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Wisdom teeth typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth removal may be performed by our experienced dentists for several reasons

Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering a wisdom tooth removal in Geelong.

Before the surgery

Before your tooth extraction procedure, book an appointment with your dentist to discuss any concerns you may have about the extraction and recovery process, including:

1. What type of anaesthesia will you receive?

2. Are there other dental treatments you might need later on?

3. How long would the procedure be?

4. Have your wisdom teeth caused any damage to other teeth?

5. What are the possible risks and complications?

6. How many wisdom teeth need to be removed?

7. How long is the recovery process?

Your dentist in Geelong will also go over your medical history to identify relevant health conditions and ask you about any medications you may currently be on.

During the surgery

The procedure for wisdom teeth removal varies from patient to patient, as it depends on the angulation and depth of impaction. Your dentist in Geelong will be able to take you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have with the proposed treatment before proceeding.

During the procedure of wisdom tooth removal, whether you are conscious or sedated, our experienced dentists will administer local anaesthesia to numb the tooth extraction site.

Once profound numbness is achieved, the dentist access the tooth or the jawbone via an incision in the gum. Bone removal or tooth division may be required removal to facilitate complete removal of the wisdom tooth. The extraction site is then irrigated and stitched together to allow healing.

After the surgery (on the first day)

Your dentist will provide you with gauze to take home. You can expect some swelling and pain around the extraction area. Once you arrive home, make sure to rest and allow your body the time to recuperate.

After the surgery (following days)

You can expect to experience swelling and mild discomfort for the first three days after your surgery. Despite your gums feeling sore, oral hygiene is important as the open wound can easily lead to infection and complications if hygienic precautions are not adhered to. Make sure to follow the instructions of your dentist on aftercare processes to prevent the blood clot from dislodging or dissolving.

It is recommended to rinse your mouth with salt water three times a day up to a week, commencing 24 hours after the procedure.

Food intake after surgery

It is essential that you stick to soft food (e.g., pudding, soup, pasta, smoothies, mashed potatoes, etc.) or food that doesn’t require much chewing for the first three days. Avoid hard food like nuts and seeds that can disrupt your stitches. As you heal, you can slowly accommodate more solid meals to your diet.

Wisdom teeth recovery period

Most people recover from a wisdom teeth removal after three to five days depending on the complexity of the procedure. During this period, ensure oral hygiene remains your priority to avoid possible infection. If you develop bleeding,  pain, fever or any other complications, contact your dentist for guidance.

The contents of this post do not replace professional dental advice. Consultation is needed with our experienced dentist for further assessments.

For information on wisdom tooth removal, recovery period and risk assessments, visit

Looking to getting your wisdom tooth removed? Our team of highly experienced dentists at Geelong West Dental are here to help. As a  family dental care clinic in Geelong, we are committed to providing you personalised dental care and expertise. Get in touch with us to book an appointment with one of our friendly dentists today.

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